Ensuring security. It’s a question of class

The security of an armoured door is assessed by a resistance class specified by the international standard UNI EN 1627.
Resistance Classes 1 to 6 (class 1 is not considered sufficient in Italy and class 6 is reserved for high- risk civil and military installations) are used to measure the burglary resistance of doors.
The resistance class is calculated on the basis of three strict international standards which specify the tests to be performed on a burglar resistant door before it can achieve a classification rating:
UNI EN 1628: Test method for the determination of resistance under static loading (resistance to pressure and deformation);
UNI EN 1629: Test method for the determination of resistance under dynamic loading (drop impact resistance);
UNI EN 1630: Test method forthe determination of resistance to manual burglary attempts (the door is attacked using various tools and for different lengths of time based on the test class).
From class 3
to class 5, the maximum security for a home
Class 3

Class 3 is the most common level of safety for external access doors. Access is attempted using crowbars, screwdrivers, pin punches, hammers and other manual tools, aiming to defeat vulnerable locking devices.
Class 4

Armoured Class 4 doors are able to withstand more advanced tools, such as club hammers, axes, chisels and drills, with more attack methods and generating more noise. Class 4 is suitable for detached or isolated houses, or shops where a higher burglary risk is present.
Class 5

Class 5 is able to withstand a stronger burglary attempt using power tools, such as drills, hacksaws, sabre saws, and angle grinders, with a wider range of attack methods, and generating more noise.
The assessment of Burglary Classes is based both on the tool set used and the duration of the test. Class 3: Set A.1 + A.2 + A.3 max. test time: 20 minutes – Class 4: Set A.1 + A.2 + A.3 + A.4 max. test time: 30 minutes – Class 5: Set A.1 + A.2 + A.3 + A.4 + A.5 max. test time: 40 minutes
Tool set A1
Tool set A1

Tool set A2
Tool set A2

Tool set A3
Tool set A3

Tool set A4
Tool set A4

Tool set A5
Tool set A5

The only armoured door with concealed Class 5 hinges
Monolite is the only armoured door with concealed hinges capable of achieving burglar resistance Class 5, the maximum for domestic properties. Monolite combines innovation and beauty. It is the first flush-fi t armoured door that allows the door leaf to open by 180 degrees.
By perfectly aligning with the trims, it becomes a distinctive design element in any room.
Burglar resistance class 5 is available on Monolite and Elite